File Explorer in a browser
SLIM Companion Explorer increases user productivity and provides unique functionality to simplify your work.
$529.00 – $2,536.00
SLIM Companion Explorer mimics File Explorer in a browser. It is easy-to-use, easy to deploy, cost-effective and fast.
View common file formats such as pdf, msg, eml, jpg, zip, … directly in your browser. View and edit Office files (docx, xlsx, pptx) in your browser or view/edit Office files in your local Office application. Copy / move folders and documents within sites and between sites. Support for Check in / Check out.
Upload complete folder structures in a fast and robust way. Support for incremental uploads to skip existing items.
Extract metadata from different file types (pdf, jpg, png, docx, tiff, mp4, mov, dwg, psd, dng, doc, xls, …) during uploading and capture the values into SharePoint columns.
Drag emails from Outlook into SharePoint and extract email metadata (e.g. Subject, From, …). Fast previewing of emails in SharePoint using your browser and view/open email attachments (docx, xlsx, pptx, pdf, jpg, …) directly in your browser.
Explorer provides tight integration with Google Maps. Upload photos (e.g., jpg, heic or dng) or videos (mp4 or mov) containing GPS coordinates and automatically populate a SharePoint location column. Geotag any file format (pdf, dwg, msg, …) to associate new or existing SharePoint files with a location or object. Select one or more files and display the selected files on a Google Map with document preview functionality.
SLIM Companion Explorer works with modern browsers and is supported with SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business, SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2016, SharePoint 2019 and SharePoint Server SE.

View email attachments in 3 steps
Open Attachments option

Select attachment

View attachment

Explorer Features

Feature overview

Getting value out of your SharePoint platform
Getting started
SLIM Companion Explorer transforms your browser into a powerful tool for SharePoint and OneDrive. It mimics File Explorer (or Windows Explore or Finder) so users will require minimal training to use the tool. Explorer offers the same basic functionality as File Explorer (e.g. browse folders, view/edit documents, upload folders/documents, rename items, move/copy folders and documents, download, properties, …) and extends the functionality.
The tool does not require any software installs on SharePoint servers or the user’s computer. Explorer consists of a few small files (total size of 2 MB) that need to be uploaded to a SharePoint library. Access to the tool can be easily restricted by using SharePoint permissions. The optional Explorer App adds a button to all document libraries, picture libraries and assets libraries in a site.

SLIM Companion Explorer in-depth
This section describes specific features of Explorer.
Upload documents/folders
Simply drag and drop documents or folders from File Explorer into the Explorer tree, select a Content Type and click “Proceed”. The upload progress for each item is shown. Item names are greyed out when they have been uploaded successfully. Uploaded items will keep the original modify date (unlike the standard SharePoint / OneDrive behaviour where a new item is created with a new modification date). Explorer supports incremental uploads by excluding existing items and offers a “retry” feature to only upload failed items.
The Explorer tree by default shows the same columns as File Explorer (Modified, Type and size) and provides the same sorting functionality.
The tool can be configured to show custom SharePoint columns like GPS location, email sender name, presence of an email attachment or the document version number. This allows for the use of SharePoint metadata by Explorer which is not possible with File Explorer or the OneDrive for Business client.
Quick Search
The option “Quick Search” in the context menu allows for quick selection of items by name without using search.
Copy/Move folders and documents
Explorer supports copying/moving folders/documents using the context menu (e.g., cut + paste) or using drag and drop. Folders and documents can be copied/moved within a library, to a different library in the same site or to a different library in a subsite or another site.
Context menu
Each item in the Explorer tree has a context menu with relevant options. It behaves in the same way as File Explorer and contains options to preview an item, copy, move, rename, delete, etc… The menu options are configurable.
View/edit Office files
Users with SharePoint Online can choose to view/edit office files using Office Online or use their local Office application.
Edit non-Office files (e.g., pdf or dwg)
Explorer extends SharePoint functionality by simplifying the process to edit non-Office files such as pdf and dwg files. The option “Edit in app” downloads the file with a unique name to allow editing of the file using local client applications (e.g., Adobe Reader DC). Explorer shows a dialog window with instructions to simplify uploading of the locally modified file to SharePoint as a new version.
The “Edit in app” functionality automatically checks out / checks in the file to avoid other users making changes to the same file.
Explorer will show a dialog with files being edited by that user at the next startup of the tool if the locally modified files have not been uploaded.
Explorer also supports Nitro Pro to allow direct editing of SharePoint pdf files via the “Edit in Nitro Pro” right-click option for pdf files.
Browse zip files
The contents of zip files is shown by clicking the expand icon. This shows the zip file’s contents without downloading the entire file and individual files (incl. Office and pdf files) can be directly opened / previewed.
Email support
Explorer can extract email metadata from emails (To, From, Subject, Conversation, …) and capture the values into SharePoint columns for filtering, viewing and advanced searching. The tool also supports previewing emails in a browser and view/open email attachments (docx, xlsx, pptx, pdf, jpg, …) directly in the browser without downloading emails to a local computer. This has a positive effect on the adoption of SharePoint and increases user productivity. It also allows use of SharePoint on a devices without Office applications (e.g., iPad) and reduces compliance risk by keeping the emails + attachments in the cloud instead of storing a local copy.
Office email attachments (docx, xlsx, pptx and vsdx) can be directly viewed in the browser without downloading. This increases user productivity, has a positive effect on adoption and also reduces compliance / security risks by not downloading content to local machines where it is out of control.
The attachments are also listed in the email’s context menu under “Attachments”:
The tool also supports attaching SharePoint document(s) (of folders) to a new email.
Explorer also provides a search bar at the top of the page (only for SharePoint Online, OneDrive and Teams) to provide users will a fast and robust way to access their content. The search bar provides easy access to your content and works in the same way as File Explorer by only searching from the current location downwards. The search result list contains search results for folders and documents (using full text and metadata). The “Sort by” drop-down list offers common sorting options such as “Modified Date”. The filter pane enables users to perform advanced searches by filtering on “Name”, “Type”, “Size” and/or “Modified Date”.
The “CSV” link allows for downloading of the search results in CSV format. For files a link to open the file location is shown.
Document properties
The tool can extract properties from different file types (msg, eml, jpg, pdf, docx, dwg, doc, xls, …) during uploading and capture the values into SharePoint columns. The following document types are supported:
– email file formats (msg and eml)
– PDF file format
– image file formats (jpg, png, gif, tiff, bmp, svg, psd, dng, heic, heif, jfif and cr2)
– Office files (docx, xlsx, pptx, vsdx, docm, xlsm and pptm)
– Binary Office files (doc, xls and ppt)
– HTML files (htm and html)
– Audio files (mp3 and wma)
– Video files (wmv, mp4 and mov)
– Drawing files (dwg)
The context menu option “Properties” shows all properties present within the document.
The tool caters for metadata from different schemes: EXIF, XMP, IPTC and ICS.
Support for Content Types
By default documents and folders are uploaded using the “Document” Content Type and the “Folder” Content Type respectively. Explorer allows the user to select different Content Types and also to set values for metadata fields used in these custom Content Types. Properties in source files (e.g., keywords in PDF files, GPS coordinates in jpg files, ..) can also be mapped to columns in the Content Types. Administrators can map file extensions to Content Types to use Content Types in a consistent way. For example, map the file extensions msg and eml to the Contet Type “Email”, the file extensions dwg and dwt to the Content Type “Drawing”, etc… The tool can also be configured to skip the “metadata dialog”.
Explorer supports commonly used metadata types like single line of text, choice, dates, … but also managed metadata (incl. Enterprise Keywords), lookups and location columns. The tool can be configured to skip the metadata dialog and upload the documents using the default content type.
Edit Properties
This is an optional feature. The “Edit Properties” option is added to the right-click menu and allows for editing SharePoint columns on documents.
Editing properties using Explorer does not result in a new document version (unlike the standard SharePoint edit properties form). This way unexpected storage consumption by versions is avoided. Explorer supports the following column types: Single line of text, Multiple lines of text, Choice, Currency, Number, DateTime, Lookup, Person or Group and Yes/No. Support for Calculated and Image will be included in a future release.
Check in / Check out
Explorer will automatically detect if a library uses Check in / Check out functionality. Checked out documents are marked and indicate which user has checked out the document. The context menu contains options to check in, check out or discard check out per document. The tool also supports bulk actions. Site collection administrators can also use discard check out on documents checked out by other users.
Explorer supports co-authoring where multiple users are updating an Office document.
Sensitivity labels
The sensitivity labels can be displayed as custom columns in the Explorer tree.
The ellipsis option “Properties” also shows the sensitivity label.
Thumbnail view (only available for SharePoint Online and OneDrive)
SharePoint content can also be viewed using thumbnails.
The bread crump at the top of the page allows for easy navigation through your content. The thumbnails can be sorted by name, modified date, type and size. Clicking on a thumbnail opens a dialog window with the full file.
Google Maps
The integration with Google Maps allow organization to combine the power of SharePoint Online with the capability of Google Maps. The tool can automatically populate a location column when the uploaded documents (e.g., photo, drone recording, …) contain GPS coordinates. The Google Maps integration allows showing of one or more items on a map. The marker preview shows a thumbnail preview and key properties plus allows viewing of the file.
Items in the same location can be previewed using the “previous” or “next” links or by using the keyboard’s left and right arrows. The thumbnail preview provides a link to view the full item with all metadata.
Explorer also supports extracting GPS location details from mp4 (e.g. DJI drone recording), wma and mov files.
Using Google Maps in SharePoint is made simple by removing the need to add web parts or scripts for individual libraries. The tool will automatically detect if a library contains a location column and then show the Google Maps option in the context menu.
This feature allows adding GPS location details to existing SharePoint documents. The coordinates can be added to any document format (pdf, msg, docx, jpg, dwg, …) and allows for associating document(s) with an object or location.
Explorer functionality will be extended with geosearching capabilities in the next version. This allows drawing a polygon on a Google Map and then searching for all documents within that polygon.
Hub sites (only SharePoint Online)
Explorer support hub sites. Hub sites have a different visual appearance and the associated sites are shown as nested sites. Search will automatically search in the hub site and associated sites.
The tool allows users to create a basic inventory of the content of a SharePoint Document library, Picture library or Asset library. For example, list the number of documents, the number of folders, content types used, number of major versions, diskspace consumed by document versions, … The inventory of documents and folders can be exported as a CSV file. Major and minor document versions can be deleted in a controlled way. For example, delete all major document versions apart from the 3 most recent versions. Explorer also allows a user to create an inventory report of source system (e.g., file share) which can be downloaded as a csv file.
Technical characteristics
Explorer supports migration of large document volumes (10’s of GB’s). Larger data sets can be easily split into smaller parts by excluding folders. The maximum file size supported is 100 GB on SharePoint Online, 15 GB for SharePoint 2019 and 10 GB for SharePoint 2016. For SharePoint 2013 the maximum file sizes are browser dependent (see release notes at the bottom of the page). Unlike many migration tools there is no limit in terms of the data volume uploaded or downloaded.
Downloading content
The SharePoint modern view allows downloading of folders. This functionality is not available when using the classic view or SharePoint on-premise. Explorer allows downloading of multiple documents and/or folders into a zip file. Very large document volumes are supported (e.g., 10’s of GB’s) by using multiple zip files. The “Export” feature extends the functionality of “Download & Zip” by including the metadata for each document as a separate json file into the zip file(s).
5000-item List View Threshold (Large Lists)
The 5000-item List View Threshold prevents access to content unless special measures (e.g., views using indexed columns) are used. Explorer caters for Document (and Picture and Asset) libraries that exceed this limit. The content is retrieved in chunks and does not require any changes to SharePoint. Using Explorer it is possible to browse through large lists, download the list’s contents or report on the list’s content.
SLIM Companion Explorer App
The optional App adds an “Explorer” button to the standard SharePoint ribbon of Document, Picture and Asset libraries.
This way the Explorer tool is easily accessible for users across an entire site or tenant. The Explorer SPFx App is available for SharePoint Online, SharePoint Server SE and SharePoint 2019.
Supported configurations
Explorer supports SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2016, SharePoint 2019, SharePoint Server SE, OneDrive for Business and SharePoint Online.
The tool can be used with Document Libraries, Picture Libraries, and Asset Libraries. The latest (N-2) versions of Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Edge and Safari are supported (on Windows clients, macOS and iPadOS).
Additional information
For further information check out the following sources:
Or contact us directly (here).
To summarize, SLIM Companion Explorer transforms your browser into a powerful tool to improve productivity and increases user adoption.